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Academy days at principal33!

The principal33 academy is an open, personalized and collaborative learning model that generates unique experiences for students and fresh graduates with a curiosity for the IT industry.

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Alumni testimonials

My experience as an Intern at Principal33 has broadened my horizons. Spending 3 months in such a friendly and encouraging environment, being under the guidance of the trainers who want to share their knowledge, helped me improve myself professionally. I have gained a tremendous amount of experience and now have a clearer vision of what being a software engineer is like in the real world. Overall, I think this internship is the perfect way to start your career.


Junior Front-End developer

My time in the Principal33 Academy was one that I will not be forgetting anytime soon - from the amazing team and the experienced trainers that made even the most tedious slides funny and understandable, to essential concepts that I will use daily and build upon as a software developer. I wholeheartedly recommend the program due to the opportunities I was offered within it: Personal development, gaining both hard and soft skills, and career choices offered after the internship.


Junior Front-End developer

My time as an Intern at Principal33 has taught me a lot, both professionally and personally – while also being fun! The professionalism, teamwork and communication were beyond expectations and the trainings were well organized. Mentors are available to answer questions and give constructive feedback. The time passes fast because the program always keeps you busy, but you enjoy every bit of it! I recommend an Internship at Principal33 to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge!


Junior DevOps

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Talk to a member of our Sales team

Razvan Porancea

Chief Operations Officer

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